Adonai is on Our Side

“Had Adonai not been on our side”—let Israel now say—“Had Adonai not been on our side, when men rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us alive when their wrath burned against us.  Then waters would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over our soul, then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.”

Blessed be Adonai, who has not given us as prey for their teeth.  Our soul has escaped like a bird out of the snare of the trappers—the snare is broken, and we escaped!  Our help is in the Name of Adonai, Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 124 TOL)

In light of the wars in Israel going on now, this Psalm is very timely!  Can you imagine living in a country the size of the state of New Jersey with enemies surrounding you on every border and even within the country, desiring to eradicate everyone simply because of your race and ethnicity?  Yet we have that very situation is going on right now in Israel and the very people shouting the loudest about racism are doing the very thing they say they hate to the Jewish people.  Why are the Jews different?  Why don’t’ these particular human beings qualify for mercy and acceptance on this planet? 

All throughout history, there have been powerful enemies raised up by Satan to kill off every Jew they could find until none were left alive.  Haman comes to mind, then there was Hitler, and now Iran and its proxy terror groups. 

As bad as it is to the Jews, the Christians are even more persecuted than the Jews in the twenty-first century.  Even now in Nigeria, hundreds of Christians are being slaughtered simply because they believe in Jesus Christ.  By whom?  The same people who want to kill all the Jews.  Radical Muslims.  Terrorists.  Ironically in Israel, Christians are persecuted by the religious Jews, so we can’t catch a break anywhere.

To be fair, Muslims are targeted by radical Hindus and by Communist China.  In times past, Muslims and Christians did co-exist for hundreds of years before the advent of radical Islam in these latter times. 

What do Christians and Jews have in common?  We all believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We are all people of the Book.  The difference between us is the Person of Yeshua Messiah.  Most Jews do not believe that Yeshua is their Messiah with the exception of the Messianic Jews.  They are still looking for Him to come the first time. 

Persecution is rising against the people of God, whether Jew or Christian.  Jesus Christ told His people to expect persecution for His name’s sake.  Anyone who chooses to follow Jesus Christ WILL suffer persecution.  But we are to “count it all joy” because great is our reward in Heaven!

The God of Israel will not allow His people to perish from the face of the earth.  That will NOT happen.  Neither will Christianity be eradicated from the earth.  In fact, Christianity is eternal because of the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ the Messiah!

All that being said, when we, as Christians, are “surrounded” on all sides by those who oppose us for the Master’s sake, we can know and be confident that God will not give us as “prey” to those who hate us and even if they kill our body, they cannot take our eternity with Him!  We are indeed victorious in Christ Jesus!

Let the people of God say, “If it had not been for the Lord Adonai, we would been swallowed up by evil men.”  As Christians, we can be confident in the One Who holds tomorrow in His hands.

Blessings everyone…

Don’t know Him?

About Micki Todd

I am a Christian author and teacher hoping to help people find a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ!
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