About Blog


Hello!  Welcome to From the Heart of God Blog!  It is my goal to share the Gospel with whoever visits this blog and to hopefully help people with problems through the teachings posted weekly.  It is my prayer every day that someone somewhere will find Jesus as a result of my posts!

I have several pages on this blog from teachings, to prayer requests to sharing your testimony.  I hope that people searching for God as well as those who have found Him can share experiences and seek help in prayer.

Feel free to explore the Blog and contact me if you need any prayer.

Blessings everyone…

7 Responses to About Blog

  1. SE says:

    Hello Micki,

    Thank you so much for your dedication to the Lord Jesus. I have found your website very helpful in my walk with the Lord. I am reaching out to ask you to clarify something that was written on the intro paragraph under prayers of repentance ( other important prayers). You wrote that we were not sinners saved by faith, but from what I read and understand in Ephesians 2:8-9, that is what the Bible says, that we are saved by grace, through faith. Can you please share with me your thought process on that? Also, I was browsing the website to try to find a prayer to break covenant with Greek organizations ( academic sororities/fraternities) can you please direct me to the right prayer?
    Thanks so much, it is greatly appreciated.


    • Micki Todd says:

      Hello! Thank you for pointing this out. In the context I was writing in, I meant that because Jesus paid for our victory over sin’s domination, we can live above sin’s dominion. It isn’t worded very well, but I was reminded of hearing people say “well, I’m just a sinner saved by grace and I can’t help but sin.” We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, but our mentality shouldn’t be that we are helpless against sinning. We aren’t because Jesus overcame the world. However, it is fair to say that most people stumble and fall, no matter how close they walk with the Lord. I know I do! So even though the likelihood of me not ever sinning again in word, thought or deed between today and when I die, is remote, but I am grateful that Jesus made it possible for me to do so. I re-worded it to read “We are not just sinners saved by grace with no hope of getting victory over sin. No!” As for the Greek organizations, I think the Exchanging Bloodlines prayer to break all generational curses, including those started in your generation will apply here. It covers everything back through your generational bloodlines. Here is the link: https://fromtheheartogod.wordpress.com/effective-prayers/applying-the-blood-of-jesus/. Look for “Exchanging Bloodlines” prayer. Also there is a link to Dr. Frances Myles’ book on this subject. He has a lot more detailed information in that book. Blessings! Micki


      • SE says:

        Thank you so much for your response Micki, it is greatly appreciated. Thanks also for the recommendation. I have one more question please if you don’t mind.

        Do you know if Toastmaster’s is an organization that has idolatrous roots/demonic? I haven’t seen anything definitive online so I am not sure. Would appreciate, any feedback you can provide.

        God bless you,



  2. Alice says:

    Am learning


  3. RRR says:

    Prayers for all in a world full of tough decisions every day. Let your light shine and follow His Spirit.


  4. Patricia Gilchrist says:

    Hi, I am stuggling in my marriage. There is no communication. We sleep in different rooms. We are raising our 12 yr old grandson and they don’t have a relationship. I take care of everything and everyone. I’m tired and my heart is heavy. He never takes me out. He won’t do anything if I don’t say something. We have been together for 8 yrs and married for 1yr and 6 months. I am 64 and he is 62. After we got married we st
    opped going to church. Never went back. I just went back this past Sunday and received such a refreshing. I have dedicated my life back to God and need to know where to go from here


    • Micki Todd says:

      Hi Patricia ~ Thank you for coming to the blog! Since you just rededicated your life back to God, that is where you start. You follow Jesus through relationship. You bring your marriage and husband and grandson to Jesus and release them to Him. Then YOU begin to establish an intimate relationship with Him. Take your eyes off your husband. He can’t make you happy and content. Only Jesus can. What is reality now doesn’t have to be reality after God fixes it. Jesus said to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.” Find a place in your house that you can go and spend time alone with the Lord. I have a corner in my bedroom where I put a small table, rocking chair and lamp. It is where I go to fellowship with Him. This is the place you will get recharged and you won’t be tired and heavy-hearted. Keep going to church even you go alone. Read and study His Word regularly and talk to Him in prayer, sing songs of praise to Him. You will be so amazed at what God does in your life! Sooner or later your family will notice your joy, your peace and your contentment…and they will want it too. God bless you!


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