Other Important Repentance Prayers

Below are a few prayers that are situation-specific and do tend to crop up from time to time.  As believers, it is important to know that we are free from a life of sin and the closer we are to Jesus, the more “hidden” we are in Him and the less we will sin.  Why is that?  Because He never sinned, and the more we look and act like Him, the less we will too.  Jesus won TOTAL VICTORY over sin for us.  We are not just sinners saved by grace with no hope of getting victory over sin. No!  We are Saints washed in the Blood of Jesus and we have the power through grace to live VICTORIOUSLY ABOVE SIN.  However, because we live in a fallen world, and getting to the place where we look like Jesus is a journey that isn’t done overnight, chances are we are going to mess up.  Below are a few other players that will help with these specific situations.  Pray the prayer and mean it in your heart.

Repentance Prayer for Theft

What is theft?  Theft isn’t just stealing money out of a cash box.  You can steal time from your employer, borrow money and not repay it after you’ve given your word you would.  Stealing is one of the big ten that has a curse attached to it.  If you want to lose money and stop the blessings of God, then continue to steal.  It bites real hard.  It is a curse that attaches to your generational bloodline.  You can’t let it continue without repentance and restitution.  To become clean from theft is not always easy because you will have to restore what you have stolen to others and that requires a face to face conversation.  But if you press through and do it, the rewards from God are great!  God expects His people to be honest and live in integrity all the time.  The restitution portion of this is between you and the Lord.  You may have done something twenty years ago that you can’t do anything about.  Put it under the Blood of Jesus and walk on with the Lord.  You may owe someone money from several years ago and He may have you go by and pay them.  This prayer deals with the repentance portion of theft.

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I am guilty of theft, which I know is wrong in Your sight.  I repent of this sin and ask You to forgive me.  I agree Father, to do whatever You require of me to pay restitution and make it right with _____________.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus be applied that this sin may be eradicated from existence.  I thank You for forgiving me and helping me to make it right and I choose going forward Lord to live in integrity as You require me to.  I ask all these things in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen and Amen!”

Repentance Prayer for Bullying Others

Bullying is verbal and physical abuse of other people to gratify rage and cruelty.  It is wicked.  It is very wicked in the sight of God.  But Jesus’ Blood covers it.  To become clean with God for bullying will require not only repentance to God but an apology to your victims.  A face to face apology that may or may not is accepted.  Jesus loves you and wants to free you from this.  Bullying has its roots in fear and insecurity.  Jesus wants to free you from fear so that you don’t need to hurt others to make yourself feel important.  You are already important to Him.  If you want to get right with God and repent of bullying, then pray this prayer and be willing to do whatever God tells you to do or say to the people you have hurt.

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I am guilty of the sin of bullying.  I am guilty of hurting others to make myself feel important.  I realize this is not who You created me to be and I repent and choose to love others because that is what You do.  I confess that I have ___________________.  (Tell the Lord about your bullying.  It is important to verbally tell Him.)  I ask You to forgive me and cleanse my heart from all unrighteousness.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus Christ be applied to eradicate it from existence.  I choose today Father, to obey whatever You tell me to do to restore fellowship with the people I have hurt through bullying.  I thank You for setting me free to walk in newness of life in Jesus Christ!  Amen and Amen!”

Repentance Prayer to Restore Integrity

Sometimes people get caught up in wrong situations before they know it.  What does integrity entail?  It can be lying, false business transactions, fraud, betrayal, slander etc.  It is hard to restore a reputation once integrity is lost but through right living before God, people will see the change and react accordingly.  Most people anyway.  But even if they don’t, just keep walking with Jesus and let them go.  This prayer deals with the repentance part of restoring lost integrity.  You will need to seek the Lord’s will for any apologies or restitution you make have to make.  Don’t despair, its hard, but worth it in the end.

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I am guilty of _________________, which has created a crisis of my integrity before You.  I choose today to repent and turn away from this wickedness and I ask You to forgive me.  I choose to walk in Your ways and not the world’s ways.  I choose to live in integrity because that is who You are.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus Christ be applied to eradicate it from existence.  I choose today Father, to obey whatever You tell me to do to restore my lost integrity.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me today O Lord.  Though my sins be as scarlet, You have made them white as snow.  I ask all these things in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen and Amen!”

Repentance Prayer for Disobedience

What is disobedience?  It is not doing what the Lord told you to do OR it is doing something He told you NOT to do.  It is choosing YOUR way instead of HIS way.  Jesus said clearly that “if you love Me, you’ll obey Me.”  Talk is cheap.  Jesus measures our love for Him by the level of obedience we exhibit.  The closer we get to Jesus, the more we see this.  If we don’t obey, there is an immediate sense of lost intimacy.  The intimacy is addicting so it drives us to repentance quickly–at least it does me.  If you have disobeyed and the Holy Spirit has convicted you of disobedience then pray this prayer in faith and receive forgiveness and then MOVE ON.  Don’t beat yourself up.  There is no condemnation for those who walk after the Spirit.

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I have disobeyed You in ______________________ (tell Him about it).  I realize I have violated the law of love that requires me to love You with all my heart and might.  I repent of this and ask You to forgive me.  I choose now to obey You and will do what You have asked me to do.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus be applied to eradicate this sin from existence.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Thank You, Father, for fathering me!  I love You because You first loved me!”

Repentance Prayer for Wrong Attitudes

We all are capable of falling into wrong attitudes without realizing it.  When we have an intimate relationship with the Lord, He will shine His light on it, so we can get back on track.  A simple prayer is all it takes to correct our course.  The prayer below is a general prayer that you will tell the Lord of your wrong attitude, whatever it may be.  He wants you free to love Him totally!

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I am guilty of a wrong attitude of _________________.  I realize this is not who You created me to be and I repent of this wrong attitude.  I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness in the Name of Jesus.  I choose instead to let Agape love rule in my heart because that is who You are, and I want to be just like You!  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me today Lord.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus be applied so that it is eradicated from existence.  I ask this in Jesus’ Name.  Amen and Amen!”

Repentance Prayer for Alcoholism/Drug Abuse

How many people can we name in our realm of influence who struggle with some kind of substance abuse and addiction?  How many of us are struggling now or have come out of it?  It is truly staggering if we would research statistics.  But the power of the Blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus can and will set us free!  Indeed, it HAS set us free!  If you are struggling with alcoholism and/or drug addiction and want to be free, you have to make a choice:  Jesus Christ and the narrow road OR continue to get high.  When it comes to addiction, you have to sell out to remain free.  I’m telling you this from experience.  I have been physically addicted to cocaine, downers and alcohol and Jesus is the ONLY way to freedom forever.  I have been free from drugs for over twenty years and free from alcohol nine years.  You can’t live carelessly I can tell you that.  You must let Jesus Christ heal the root of WHY you use or drink.  He is the Healer.  Pray this prayer to begin the journey away from addictions into God’s Kingdom realm.

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I confess that I am guilty of becoming addicted to __________________ (name your addiction i.e. alcohol, heroin, meth etc.).  I choose today to repent and turn away from this behavior and I renounce it in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I ask You to forgive me, Father.  I ask to be washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ and cleansed from all unrighteous behavior.  Your Word says that drunkards and sorcerers won’t enter the Kingdom of God and therefore I refuse to yield my body to these substances anymore.  I place this sin on the altar and ask that the Blood of Jesus be applied to eradicate it from existence.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Make my heart tender towards You Father.  Today, I declare that I am free from the power of addiction in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ! 

Prayer for Inner Healing

There is a reason we take substances to numb pain.  There is a reason why we choose to do this.  Jesus wants to heal it.  He wants the root cause to be eliminated so you won’t return to it.

“Lord Jesus, I come to You, the Wonderful Counselor Who heals me from the inside out.  Lord, I became wounded and scarred because ____________________________ (tell Jesus your story).  I know that You require me to forgive ____________ for the evil they have done to me.  You forgave those who killed You and I choose today to be like You.  I choose to forgive ____________ for all the things he/she has done and is even still doing to me today.  I release __________ from any debt of apology or restitution in this situation.  I pray for his/her salvation and pray they come to You Lord Jesus for forgiveness before its too late.  I realize now that I am the rich one because I have You.  I have eternal life.  I pray they will find You and have eternal life too.  I ask Lord Jesus that You would pull out all roots of bitterness and hurt from this situation and pour in the oil and the wine.  Apply the Balm of Gilead to my wounded soul that I may be healed so completely it is as if I have never been wounded.  Thank You, Jesus, for healing me and setting me free! 

Prayer for Deliverance from Addiction

“Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.  I choose now to come out of agreement with the spirit of Addiction that has me caged in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  I refuse to yield my body and members to this wicked spirit any longer.  I command you spirit of Addiction to loose me now and go where Jesus Christ of Nazareth tells you to go!  I draw the Bloodline of the Lamb of God around my spirit, soul, and body now and declare that you cannot cross it or return to my realm in Jesus’ Name.”